Computer Law, Copyright Law, Cyber Law, Family Law, Intellectual Property Law, Internet Law, Patent Law, Trademark Law
Barry University - Miami, FL - Masters of Science - Computer Science ED G.P.A. 4.0.
Central Connecticut State University - New Britain, CT Graduate Degree - Major - Masters of Science - Industrial Tech. - GPA - 3.79 overall
Under Graduate Degree - B.S. Industrial Tech. - Electrical Systems (I.E.Engineering) G.P.A. Major 3.9, Overall 3.0
Concord School of Law – Juris Doctorate Finished 1L and qualified for 2L Transfer to Nova Southeastern University
Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center – Juris Doctorate JD Earned June 2012
David Carroll

Law, Business and Technical Related Experience, Intellectual Property, Family
Data Lan Consulting Inc - Consultant/President
Mediation and Arbitration – Florida Supreme Court Certified County Mediator. # 28358 C
David has over 30 years of working in areas of executive, technical, educational and business, experiences. This gives him a great advantage over other mediators and arbitrators. He understands your issues and is able to help you find the resolution you are looking for. It is hard to find someone with this specialized knowledge in so many areas and who is able to work with people in such a productive way.
He has been called "a natural mediator". Alternative Dispute Resolution is the perfect fit for David's personality and beliefs. A mediator must be able to listen and understand and use insight and combine that with experience, and passion to conclude a dispute in the best possible way. Due to his vast personal knowledge of engineering, electronics, information systems, Intellectual property, business and family issues, he will have a true understanding of the subject of your dispute so he can assist you in finding the best solution.
David realized that all of his experiences had led him to know about the laws that played a hand in the industries he has been involved in. He decided to return to school to become an attorney. While attending law school at Nova Southeastern University, David had found a great passion for Alternative dispute resolutions. He became very involved in the mediation clinic at Nova Southeastern and mediated many cases. He became a Florida Supreme Court Certified County Court Mediator, and a Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator.
He was the only student in a mediation workshop and a small number of students in the ADR clinic that was hand selected by the head professor to participate in the Nova Southeastern University Juvenile Mediation Diversionary Program. He used his experience and abilities as an effective mediator to divert arrested juveniles from the juvenile justice system and on to a new and better path. The program that David participated in provided mediation services for juveniles, their families, and victims, which allowed families to identify and address the issues which led to the child's arrest.
Also while attending law school, David interned at the Broward County Courthouse in the Mediation/Arbitration Department. His responsibilities included performing many mediations and reviewing and revising procedures for attorneys during court-appointed mediation. These mediations ranged from client\tenant disputes, HOA\CA issues, Foreclosures, debt disputes and negligence disputes. (ETC…).
Mediation and Arbitration –
Florida Supreme Court Certified County Mediator. # 28358 C -
Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator
Executive, Project Management, Education and Sales –
Executive and Technical Experiences, include assisting in writing and negotiating contracts, Domain resolution disputes and filing for patents, trademarks and copyrights. Design and manage building of Tier 1 and 2 Network Service providers. Worked with small, Medium and large sized companies to help design, secure, and implement network infrastructure and IT services. Negotiate contracts for colocation services, bandwidth and product with ISP's, and Providers like Verio, Pair, USDA and Cisco Microsoft, Citrix, etc.
Education and training – Developed and implemented curriculum for Information Systems, Electronics and Business.
Customers/Employers include:
- Dupont Corp
- General Motors and EDS Division of GM
- Owens Glass
- Kraft Foods
- Citrix
- U.S. Diagnostics Labs
- Georgia Pacific
- Wyse
- Auto Bank Corp.
- U.S. Data Authority
- Credit union Centers
- Main Street Title and Escrow
- Coca Cola Company, Inc
- Bryers Ice Cream
- Medical Manager
- Mortgage Flex
- Teleplace/Telco-Hotels Etc.
- Co author of Understanding Thin Client Server Computing Published by Microsoft Press.
- Writer of Biweekly ("Formerly NT Magazine" Now called "Windows 2000 Magazine") Thin Client –Update/ASP Newsletter, "Getting the Skinny" Column.
- "NT Magazine" (Now called "Windows 2000 Magazine") Technical Editor. Freelance writer for NT Magazine Monthly Publication.
- Wrote Citrix WinFrame Courseware for all courses up to WinFrame 1.7.
- Citrix Winframe Publications for Product Distribution and Technical Whitepapers.
- Custom courseware for high level Thin Client Integration.
- Designed, managed and implemented 9 to Adult level Course Development for Electronics Technician – Basic Electronics to high level digital including Motorola and Intel Microprocessor Courseware for Broward Schools Adult Education and Community Colleges.
- Real Time Publishers - Editor co-author with Christa Anderson of new online book "The Definitive Guide™ to Citrix® MetaFrame XP"