Educational Disabilities, Elder Care Conflicts, Medical - Group Practice Conflicts, Family Mediation, Parent Coordination - High Conflict Family Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Parent - Child Conflict Issues
Dr. Howard Chusid

Dr. Howard Chusid is a Board Certified Professional Counselor, a Nationally Certified Counselor, a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator and Circuit Civil Mediator, a Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator, a Parenting Coordinator, and an Elder Care Mediator. Additionally, he holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Argosy University, a Masters in Community Health Education and a Bachelor's in Physiology from Southern Illinois University (SIU), and an Associate's degree in Radiologic Technology from the City University of New York – Hostos Community College. He writes on subjects concerning counseling, mediation, career education and other areas close to his heart.
Howard, or preferably Howie, has been involved in many areas throughout his working life. He has taught Radiologic Technology at Miami-Dade Community College, and 6 -9th grade sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Earth Science) to middle school classes for the Dade County School Board. Initially, in order to help support his family, Howard became a "handy man" doing construction work, a journeyman electrician, hanging fans and other electrical devices, and worked on roofs with a roofing company. Howard also started internal/family medical practices, owning and administrating over seventeen (17) throughout the State of Florida.
Howard also started and became the CEO of Community Medical Plan, Inc. a Florida licensed Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) with over 35,000 members in the early nineties. After selling the Plan to Foundation Health Care, Howard helped develop Community Health Plan of the Rockies, a Colorado based HMO. After that Plan was sold, with over 80,000 members, Howard became the CEO of the remaining entity, and it serves today as a 501(c)(3) scholarship fund for students to be awarded academic scholarships in times of need. Howard also helped develop a school for children with learning disabilities called Kesher L,D,, Inc. Howard helped start the school over fifteen years ago, and today it can boast a two million dollar budget and an education staff of over 35 while serving a range of students from first through twelfth grades. It is one of the largest schools of its kind in the southern states, and has happily sent over 85% of those children to college. Those who do not have that capability are able to learn vocational skills, which allow them to become self-sufficient citizens.
Howard also serves, as a Governor Appointee to the Florida Advisory Council on Long Term Care, He is a volunteer on the Jewish National Fund committee to develop the Arava Area of Israel. At Kesher L.D., Howard is a Board Member, Vice President of Personnel, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, and a former President,. Howard also serves as a member of TAPS and subscribes to Give an Hour, where he donates his time for servicing our troops who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and require mental health services. He previously served as a Governor Appointee to the Florida Advisory Council on Mental Health issues as well.
Currently, Howard works with The Family Law Cooperative, which is a group of caring professionals who offer a cooperative approach to divorce and other family disputes. The Family Law Cooperative guides couples through the confusing and emotionally charged divorce process in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity. Howard also works with the Florida Department of Financial Services mediating problems between claimants and insurance companies, or those who perform work in an irregular way. In addition, Howard also performs mediations in foreclosure situations, car insurance cases, and other cases involving claimants and mechanics.
Howard is additionally a Florida Qualified Arbitrator whose work focuses on health/medical issues. As a Parent Coordinator, Howard works with children involved with parents in high impact divorces. Recently, Howard has been getting calls from children who do not get along with their divorced parents. While it is certainly an interesting phenomenon, Howard has been able to assist the children in dealing with parents who don't realize that their anger is hurting just more than their ex-spouse.